We answer a few questions in an effort to get to know each other better and
to give our blogging brains a break. Thanks Draz!
Copy to your own blog and enjoy!
1. I’m going to pick a person in your life – not knowing if you have a good or bad, existing or non-existent relationship with them – and your mission is to pick 5 words or traits or thoughts to describe them.
Your paternal grandmother.
Your paternal grandmother.
I don't see her
Lives 1.5 hours away
wears red lipstick
2. What’s your all time favorite color to paint your nails? And your toes?
Nails – plum
Toes –matching color to polish on finger nails OR really bright toe polish w/ neutral on finger nails
3. Do you get along with your parents well?
Hmmm, I love my mom but she makes me crazy. Haven't talked to dad in 15-18 years
4. Speaking of rainbows – rank the rainbow colors in the order you prefer.
5. Repeat question. How was your week in real life and in blog land this week?
Real life: great. Here's why: fun time at the beach with the kids, tap class, zumba 3 times this week + 2 strength training classes, FREE TIME while kids are with grandparents, massage, out to dinner with bro-in-law and mom-in-law, 14th wedding anniversary on tuesday. (started experimenting with extreme couponing for normal people....not sure if it was a good or bad experiment. jury is still out.)
Blog life: not so good. I haven't posted since 7/31 because I haven't had anything to report. I am still waiting for my first fill, exercising my ass off (literally!), and trying to practice eating as if I had restriction. Decided that a consistent size 8 instead of a scale number will be my goal.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!