Friday, July 22, 2011

The band goes on vacation

I am on a trip with my very best friends. I packed for all the activities we are going to do and I packed for any food situation. Being that I am still on purred and soft food stage I wanted to make sure that I would have something in my purse and in our hotel fridge so that I will make good choices. (Plus it doesn't help to have  anxiety if we go out to eat and there isn't something friendly on the menu.)

Well, at one point we went to Subway.... I was a little nervous.  The girls I was with know that I got the band but this was really my first food situation I had to deal with.  I just figured that I would get soup of the day  if it was "post-op friendly" type.  (The employee laughed when I asked what soup they had...granted it was 109 degrees out but I did have a valid question.)  They didn't have soup so I just drank the protein drink in my purse.

Soooooo--what did you do to be prepared for "band friendly" food when you are out and about and new to eating with the band?  Did you (or do you) have a "go to" item on the menu or something to eat that you always travel with in your purse?

1 comment:

  1. I have really good luck eating salad (but I don't think that is the case for everyone). A dinner salad is usually a full meal for me when I go out. I got the same response when I was at Subway not long ago. There is nothing wrong with eating soup in the summer! I eat alot of soup when I go out too.

    Congrats on the 25 pounds! It just keeps getting better!
